Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I don't get it. I thought it was good. A little sweeter than I would have liked, but still yummy. No one else liked it at all. Jonah spit it out, Madison gagged, and Curtis forced down two bites. He said it was too chunky. *sigh* Whatever, I guess. I am going more adventurous tonight... should be interesting. :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Apple Week!

It's Apple Week! If you are reading this via Curtis's website, you no doubt assume I am talking about iPads, iPhones, Mac Books and the like. I'm not. :) We are doing something a little different here in the Thornton household. If you know our history, you know we are not the greatest eaters. I have always considered myself picky, but willing to try new things. Curtis is more than picky and has historically been unwilling to try anything not on a pre-approved list of foods. There are very few fruits and vegetables he has ever even tasted. When it was just the two of us, I allowed myself to get lazy about cooking and most of the time resorted to making things I knew he would eat. I didn't get much better with Madison, unfortunately. I tried for awhile, but as soon as she started turning up her nose at most things, I gave up trying. I am not proud of that in the least. I am hoping that I can save Jonah from the same fate. So here is my newest effort to hopefully help the whole family become healthier.

Each week I will choose a fruit or vegetable to highlight in our dinner meal. Monday through Friday I will make a different dish that contains that food. It could be a dessert, side, or main dish. Sometimes I will make a healthier version of a traditional food, sometimes not.

So, on to Apple Week! Last night was the first night, and I made apple crisp. I opted this time to go with a somewhat healthier version of apple crisp. Maybe not the best choice. It was good... ish. Not great by a long shot. It needed more butter and probably more sugar to make it, well, crisp. The oatmeal didn't crisp up enough when it baked, but otherwise it was pretty good. Madison didn't like it at all, Curtis thought it was okay, and Jonah ate half before he said he didn't like it. If you know Jonah, that usually just means he is full. So I think he liked it. I will blog later about tonight's offering. Nothing too adventurous... just good old homemade applesauce! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

YouTube videos

If you haven't found it on your own... my YouTube account can be found at

I am still going to be uploading some older videos and hopefully I will get some newer ones soon too!

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Ballet Performance

Here is something cute for you! This was done using my regular digital camera, so the quality isn't great. I should get my video camera back all repaired soon. Yay!

For Grandpa... some Christmas Eve pix

Sorry I have been so bad about posting on here... to be honest, I had kinda forgotten until Grandpa mentioned it yesterday! So here are some pix special for him... I didn't have any of him with Madison, so I just put one of her at his house. As you can see, Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Perry's is super fun! These guys are growing like little weeds... I totally cannot believe how big they both are! Madison is really into anything Hannah Montana and Barbie, while Jonah is all about trucks, football (boot-ball!), flags (la-la!), and bananas (nana!). If it is remotely crescent shaped, it is a banana as far as he is concerned. Pretty funny when he calls the moon or even the lightning bolt on the SD Chargers field a "nana".

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

halloween and glasses!

I just wanted to quickly share a few pictures ... pre-trick-or-treating and one of Madison with her new glasses, which she just got today!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Who's that girl???

Madison got her hair cut today! I think she looks super cute, but I'm Mommy, I have to think that. What do you think?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Finally some pictures!

I didn't want to upload a gazillion pix on here, so I made slide shows for each of the last 4 months.... you can click on each individual picture if you want to see a certain one more close up. Without further ado... here is April!

And May... not nearly as busy as April!

And June... a 1st birthday... a trip to the zoo... cheerleading camp... way fun!

And finally, July! Another birthday (she is the one who insists on a highchair at 4 years old... not me!), another trip to the zoo, and of course... fireworks!